Monday, August 18, 2014

A Newsworthy Note

I have some news.

It might not seem like a big deal to others but to me, this is news.

I'm writing. That's not really the news, because I've been writing, on and off, forever. But the news is...

I'm writing. Full time.
This is my job. This is what I am doing.

I left my seemingly 'forever' job working with kids in foster care for an opportunity to expand my horizons, get out of an office, and teach. I met some wonderful people, I learned a lot about some really critical issues in children's health, I taught others, and I drove around the state of New Jersey. A lot.

Ever heard of the term 'Jersey Driver?' I got to know it well... too well, in fact. The travel was rough. So, two weeks ago, with my husband's blessing, I left that job and started working for me.

In the last two weeks...
My stress levels plummeted.
My energy level increased.
My house got cleaner.
My skin became slightly less pale.
My Unfinished Projects list got shorter.
My creativity levels soared. work-in-progress got finished!

The story that I have been struggling with for years finally came together.Oh happy day! I actually finished this book--the book that I plot-wrestled and

I am excited! I am free. I am energized. I can't wait to finish more projects, and to come back to this one and revise it. I am happy--and incredibly thankful!--to have this opportunity.

I finally have some time to do fun things... #PitchWars, updating my blog and website, and reading, reading, reading. Books, blogs, the newspaper. 

Soon, kids will be back in school. Another month's bills will come in, and I'll have to find some work to pay said bills.

But for now, I am working for me.
And loving it!


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