Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I love books.

I really love books. The library is one of my favorite places to spend time. Tonight, despite the hoards of rowdy teens that were hanging out in and around the library, I enjoyed a little trip that Ben and I took to our library. He needed a book for school. I needed books to occupy my waiting time.

I finished my early YA/MG story--the one about a girl with cancer--last week, and revised it, and revised it some more. And after I combed through it for about the third time, I had to send it off. There's nothing more I can do to it at present. The reason being... I don't know if it's any good or not.

Well, because I have a master's degree in creative writing for children, I can say with some certainty that it's pretty good. But I don't know what to change. I don't know what works or what needs to be axed. What I need now is feedback. So, I sent it out for feedback. I posted a few chapters to my Cliff-Hangers critique group, and I sent some chapters off to writer friends. I know they are all busy. But this is killing me!

I just want to know. I am so eager to work on this story--so eager to get something done. Jane Yolen told me to FINISH. Jill Santopolo told me to FINISH. But I want a little more than just finished. I want this to be submittable. And I want it now!

Criminy, I sound like Veruca Salt. I want it nooooowwwww, I want it ALL now... How utterly impatient I am. Now that it's finished, I want it completely done. Yeah, I'm Veruca. Isn't this a coincidence? I checked out Charlie and The Chocolate Factory from the library tonight. Actually, I got it for Ben but Andy confiscated it and read the whole book tonight. I'll have to wait a little for that one. Ben's turn next.

I went looking for a book called Magic For Beginners, recommended by fellow fantasy lover Gwenda. The online catalog said they had it, but it wasn't in the place where Ocean County Library claimed to have put it. How utterly irksome! And the librarian had the nerve to be annoyed with me when I suggested that she go look for it? I had already looked for it in all the places she suggested that it might be...I wouldn't go away easily. In a snit, she walked over to the places she suggested and guess what. It wasn't there. Hey, snit or not, I would have been happy if she had found it. At least there would have been some compensation for her snittiness. But no, I not only got librarian-style attitude, but I also didn't get the book I wanted.

I got Counting Stars by David Almond instead. I'll let you know how it is. If it takes my mind off of WAITING FOR FEEDBACK, it will be an acceptable substitute. Otherwise, it will be a hellish week--waiting for feedback and waiting for Ben to finish Willy Wonka!

If any of my writer friends are reading this blog instead of sending my feedback, know that you're killing me slowly. Tick, tick, tick...


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