Thursday, August 30, 2007

Oh, The Thinks You Can Think

I've been MIA from this blog for a month because I'm too busy thinking.

Thinking about my critical thesis, writing my critical thesis, thinking about writing my critical thesis... I don't have a milliliter of mental energy left. Throw into the mix: back to work full-time, getting the kids ready to go back to school, kids auditioning for a community play, and... (du-du-du-dum...) soccer season started. It's enough to drive a good mother batty.

I sat in a doctor's office waiting room today because I have one little thing that I need to have checked out. It's stupid and I am sure it will be fine, but it has to be done. There I was, in a room packed with other waiting patients, watching the second hand on the clock tick slowly forward. Tick... tick... tick. I brought some work related reading material that I was glad to have a chance to look through. Its a good thing, because I waited a LONG time. Four o'clock on a Thursday afternoon - what was I thinking?

Concentration was difficult as people all around me were voicing their thoughts. First, there was Judge Judy on TV. Interesting to hear her opinions, and even more interesting to watch the folks on the stand squirm. (I don't think I've ever watched that show before.) Then a lady across the room recounted a time when she thought she saw an angel after she crashed her car. Then, a man a few seats away telling a young mother not to let her little son chew on her bottle of eye drops. Good advice, but he thought that three drops of the stuff could kill the child. "Three drops!" he said. "It only takes three drops!" (At this point I'm thinking, "Think about what you're reading, PB. Don't be a nurse--think about what you're reading." It didn't help.)

I thought that the pace of patient inflow would pick up after a little while. Huh, silly me. I sat for an hour and a quarter before they even called me up for my co-pay. So I thought better and rescheduled it.

I have a Mayor of Whoville and Little Susie Who to contend with now. I watched the first rehearsal for Seussical last week, and it was cute. It's going to be a lot of work teaching Susie Who how to sing and dance and 'look scared' at the same time, but I think we can do it... I think.

I think I'd better get my critical thesis done first.


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